
Sunday, 12 June 2011

stripey stuffed penguin (with template)

What is it about striped fabric that makes a project 10 times cuter?

Ruby's little boyfriend, Logan, celebrated his first birthday over the weekend and his very talented mama threw him a penguin-themed party (you can see all the cute penguin-party details HERE on Holly's blog).

Of course, I wanted to make him a little something.   I saw these stuffed penguins in Martha Stewart Living years ago, but just caught another glimpse of them on Pinterest last week (love that site!).  There is not a template available on Martha's site, so I made up my own, and I'm sharing it with you.

Get the 2-page penguin template HERE and HERE.

I don't have a detailed step by step for you, but it is pretty simple to figure out.  Hand sew the eyes, beak, and belly to the front body piece.  Assemble the wings and feet - two pieces of felt for each appendage, right side facing out, and stitch around the edges to secure (I used a blanket stitch).

Pin the wings and feet to the front body piece as diagrammed below.

With right sides of the body pieces together, sew around the edges, leaving an opening to stuff.  Stuff with polyfill and hand-stitch the opening closed.

Happy birthday, sweet Logan!  We love you.

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