I did fudge the supplies a bit. Instead of using a telescoping mail tube, I substituted two heavy weight cardboard tubes. One was a wrapping paper tube (again, heavy weight - the flimsy ones won't work well), and the other was the tube from inside a roll of Silhouette vinyl. Waste not, want not! They need to be two different sizes so one fits inside the other. The tubes hold the cake layers together, but they are still easy to separate.
I also changed the way I layered the diapers. Instead of rolling each diaper individually, I wrapped them around the tubes. I liked that the edges of the cake were smoother, and it also enabled me to use double the diapers (this cake held 80 size-1 diapers). It also meant a LOT fewer rubber bands. Only three large bands used on the whole cake - one for each tier.
I made the banner cake topper on my Silhouette and glued it to two white lolly pop sticks. The sticks slid right between the diapers and held in place well.
Like the original cake, I decorated this one with paper flowers. The flower decorations were cut on my Silhouette using the 3-D Ruffle Flower from the online store. Each flower was glued to a mini clothes pin, so they just clipped onto the outer ribbons on the cake tiers. Maybe the mama-to-be can find a way to re-use the flowers? I'd probably attach them to gifts in lieu of bows, or maybe string them together on ribbon to make a cute garland.
Speaking of ribbon, I found that fabulously wide green satin ribbon at Michael's - it is 4 inches wide, which is perfect for a diaper cake because what do you know ... little diapers are also 4 inches wide.
The ribbon was attached with a few straight pins into the back of the cake.
With my extra paper I made a few more flowers as a table decoration and a paper banner to hang.
I knew it was a good looking cake when one of the ladies at the baby shower asked when we were going to cut into it.
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