
Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Deathly Hallows Ball

Harry Potter mania continues. I was determined to re-read book six before I started the new one, so I just started the Deathly Hallows last night. So far, soo good. I love it. I kind of want to read it only a few chapters at a time just to savor it. I feel so sad that this is the last book.

On Friday night, a group of friends and I dressed up and went to the Deathly Hallows Ball at the Borders in Time Warner Center. It was definately an experience. I have never waited in line for a new book, let alone dress up for it, but we figured that since this would be the last hurrah (at least for the books), we should go all out.

I was Hagrid, and my friends were Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Padma Patil, and Professor Snape. We also had a cute non-character witch in our group for good measure. Jared wasn't thrilled with my cross-dressing, but said I make a good Hagrid since I have "kind eyes." :)

No one blinked an eye at the sight of our strange group on the subway.

Luna and Padma

Fleur, Hagrid, a witch, Snape and Padma

My personal favorite: Luna's radish earrings
(they were actually turnips - radishes were too heavy)

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