
Saturday, 22 December 2007

Twas the night before Festivus...

And all through the FriendFeed Global International World Headquarters, not a creature was coding, not even Bret..

But before that, we were all very busy...

And not just busy posing for pictures -- we're also creating new products! I'm thrilled to announce the release of our latest platform initiative, AirGrievance.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

secret santa scarves

I crocheted two secret santa scarves this month ...

a blue one for my sister's bookclub secret santa exchange

and a red one for my own bookclub exchange

We used Elfster, so I was able to sneakily find out that red and pink are Mary's favorite colors. What a great site! It made setting up an exchange really easy.

I was lucky enough to have BreAnna as my secret santa. She made me a basket filled with a beautiful cinnamon stick candle, a bundle of bath salts, and Christmas mugs filled with hot cocoa. Thanks, BreAnna! You are the best.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

hand dipped chocolate pretzels

I've been making stuff, I swear! I'm at least 10 projects behind on posting. I'll get to them very soon, hopefully - maybe I'll do a post per day until the end of the year?

Things have been BUSY around here. My sister, her husband and her two little boys came to the city for a visit and we had way too much fun. I'll let her do all the work and just point you to her blog to read all about it: You'll get tired just looking at all the photos. I miss them already! In other news, check out my other blog to read about Saturday's walking tour in Chinatown.

I'm going to jump out of chronological order and show you what I just made because it looks so Christmas-y. Tonight I dipped about a million chocolate pretzels. It was nuts. Pretzels everywhere. I started out just planning to make a few bags for people at work, but it was fun, so I of course got a little out of control. The good news is, I now have loads of last-minute Christmas gifts.

dark chocolate mint

chocolate with Andes mint chips

chocolate with sprinkles


(red) white chocolate with Andes peppermint chips

All bagged up, just waiting to be handed out!

Friday, 14 December 2007

Brilliantly wrong

Being a little bit wrong is easy, but it's much more interesting to be completely wrong.

Google Blogoscoped had an entry yesterday about my statement that, whenever possible, everything should have undo.

The comments on that story had the usual mix of no-so-great usability suggestions (putting options and settings everywhere), and a few good ideas, but it also had one comment that was so remarkably wrong that it brightened my whole day:
While an Undo feature could be useful, isn't this just coddling people who should otherwise be paying closer attention to what they are doing? A mistake is a mistake, and people need to learn to live with the consequences of the mistakes they make.

This comment may have been a joke, but I really like this "tough love" approach to usability, because in just a few words it perfectly captures the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

To design great products, we must truly empathize with our users, and understand that if they are having problems using our products, is more likely our fault, not theirs. This isn't the same as the disdainful or patronizing attitudes too often expressed by engineers and other technical people. Our users aren't dumb, they just have better things to do than waste time understanding poorly designed software.

As for "undo", in general, the more we can lower the costs of making mistakes, the faster we can move. This applies to everything from interfaces (I type fast because I have a backspace key) to societies (people are more likely to start new companies in cultures that are accepting of failure).

Sunday, 9 December 2007

ornament swap: part deux

I sent off my contribution to the ornament swap on Thursday. Let's hope the ladies of Group 52 like glitter as much as I do!

In the store I thought I was purchasing red ribbon, but it turned out to be hot pink. Luckily, I think it is the perfect accent!

I made a fun blog sticker to put on the back of each package. Gotta love label paper. I'll post photos of the ornaments I recieve when they all arrive. I've received two so far, and it has been so fun. I can't wait to participate again next year!

Is there more to life than money?

Whenever there is a discussion about joining a startup vs working at regular job, someone will defend the boring 9-5 job by saying, "there is more to life than money".

These people are, of course, right. There is plenty of evidence that happiness is only loosely correlated with wealth. People seem to derive a much greater sense of satisfaction from good relationships, and having a sense of purpose and meaning in their life. Money matters too, but not as much once the basic need for food and shelter are addressed, and those aren't big issues for most people deciding between joining a startup or a big company.

Furthermore, most people who do join startups will never experience a huge payday. Google distributed billions of dollars to thousands of employees, but that was truly exceptional. Even moderately successful startups that eventually sell for $50 million dollars or so will only make a couple of people rich.

If all you care about is money, I doubt that joining a startup is the right way to go. You'll probably make a lot more at a hedge fund, or by becoming a lawyer, or something like that.

Maybe it now seems like I'm defending the boring 9-5 job, but it's actually just the opposite. Those 8 hours/day are a huge chunk of of your waking life, and don't forget that you'll probably also spend a few hours preparing, commuting, and "unwinding". Even worse, bad or boring jobs can sap our energy, so that at the end of the day all we feel like doing is sitting in front of the tv.

That's no way to live, if you can help it. Why surrender such a huge chunk of your life just to get some money? For some people, that's the only option, but for those fortunate enough to be smart and educated, there's a better way.

Instead of throwing away your "working hours", why not make every minute count? Why not find work that you can actually enjoy, work that's fun and meaningful?

Of course that's easier said than done, but it's not impossible.

For reasons that will have to be left for another post, the structure and systems in big companies tend to make work meaningless and life unpleasant, at least for me. Of course smaller companies can be awful too, but they have a greater potential to be good.

If your job isn't working for you, if it isn't making you happy and energized, then why are you still there? I can't guarantee that you'll find something better, but perhaps you should at least try something new. Don't just give up on life.

I truly enjoy writing code. I love creating new products and features. I like getting feedback from users and finding ways to solve their problems. I like the game of business. I like helping people. Of course there is always some amount of unpleasant work that must be done, but that can be contained (my rule is that work should be no more than 10% awful).

That's why, even though I don't financially need to work, I choose to work (and end up staying up until 4am pushing new code). It's why we created FriendFeed, to have a great place to work, a place where we can build great products and have happy users. Of course I'd also like to earn a few billion dollars, and I plan to make all of our employees very wealthy, but that's more like a bonus. I don't believe that you can be happy and make great products and treat your users right if all you think about is money.

There's more to life than money.

My first Google pay-stub (including note from Heather). Money isn't everything, but this zero-dollar check did make me a little nervous.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

polka dot elephant

It was another craftacular evening at my house tonight. The secret Christmas crafts are moving right along, I packaged up my ornaments for the ornament swap, and I made this little polka dot elephant. Cute, no?

yellow + polka dots = ultra cheery

I dug up the same pattern from the last time I made one of these guys.

Is it weird that I don't put eyes on my elephants? I like them better without.

It got bundled up with the shoes and some burp cloths for a former co-worker. I hope she likes it!

I packaged it up in some fun new wrapping paper. Again with the polka dots - my new craze.

Monday, 3 December 2007

homemade cloth baby shoes

I have deadlines to meet ... a secret santa gift to be ready by Saturday, and ornament exchange that I need to package and mail off. So, why am I sewing baby shoes?

I printed out this pattern months ago from Stardust Shoes, but never tried it. I came across it again while organizing my craft supplies over the weekend, and it is all I've been able to think about!

This is attempt #2 - the first try turned out ok, put looked plain without the ribbon and had more frayed edges than I cared for. So I just made a few small changes to the pattern by finishing off a few extra seams to clean it up a bit. Also, instead of using fleece for the sole, I used the same suede fabric and floral lining with warm n' natural batting in between.

It is a quick, easy and extremely satisfying project - I highly recommend it! You can find the pattern here.

I foresee this project becoming an addiction!

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Christmas Craft Saturday

I have the BEST bookclub. The conversation is always interesting and the girls are so much fun. Every once and a while, we all get together for a different kind of activity. This past Saturday, BreAnna organized a Christmas craft super Saturday and taught us how to make all kinds of fun crafts.

I made a country bell:
And cinnamon-scented sachets:

These smell like a cinnamon dream! They are making my living room smell delicious.

Other projects included wreaths, bath salts and baby tag blankets. It was so much fun to get together and chat, craft, eat Alicia's delicious peppermint bark and listen to Christmas music. Thanks, BreAnna!

I shared a beloved tradition - a gingerbread countdown-to-Christmas chain. A family at my church would make these and hand them out on December 1st every year (Dixons, if you are out there reading, I love these!!! Thanks so much for always starting off the season so deliciously). I come from a large family (8 kids) so it was always a special day when it was your turn to eat the cookie. With just Jared and I here, we'll have plenty. I alternated gingerbread boys and girls so we'll always know when it is our cookie day. :)

The chain looks long now, but it will be Christmas before we know it! I can't wait to go home and visit my family. It is going to be great.

I've been making lots of crafts and presents and have quite a few more to go before I'm ready. It is so hard not to post photos early, but I don't want to spoil any surprises. I guess that means I'll have plenty to post about after the holiday!

'tis the season ... finally!!!

I had such a fun December 1st! I started the day right with a NY walking tour with Megan, where we headed down to the South Street Seaport. Then I headed to my friend BreAnna's for a Christmas craft super Saturday - so fun (and a separate post).

Then it was time for the afternoon I have been waiting for ... finally time to decorate for Christmas!!! For some reason, Jared was adamant about NO decorations until December 1st this year. I am more of a just-after-Thanksgiving kind of gal myself. But, I held out and now the apartment is bedecked for the holidays.

I covered my french doors with doily snowflakes. I have a hard time free-hand cutting pretty snowflakes (I always overdo it and they look terrible). This year, I had a pack of doilies on hand, so I turned them into snowflakes by cutting portions of the design out. They look so intricate and pretty, and were a real cinch to make.

In one entryway, I strung five large glittery snowflakes. I printed off a template from Martha Stewart, and traced and cut out the pattern onto a stiff piece of cardboard (an old gift box or cereal box works well). Paint with a thick layer of glue and sprinkle with glitter. They look lovely dangling overhead.

I refashioned this wreath using leftover gold ornaments. They came with a set of red ornaments that I bought last year, but I didn't want to use them on my silver and red tree. Since they were too pretty to leave in the box, I decided to depart from my silver theme a bit and make a gold wreath.

Here are my glittery trees that a posted about a few weeks ago. They finally made it off my craft cluttered dining table. I feel like this little centerpiece is lacking a bit, but can't think of what to add. Any ideas?

The homemade addition to my tree this year are these little glittery stars (can you tell I love the glitter? I went a little overboard. My apartment is covered floor to ceiling with glitter!). I bought 3-D cardboard stars at Lee's Art shop and glittered them.

And here is my tree! I love it - my living room looks so bright and cheery when it's all lit up. I found a new corner for it this year and am working on a bunny-barrier to go around the bottom - last year Buns kept chewing on the lights.

Happy Holidays!

There's no such thing as a "social network"

Of course there are many things that people call "social networks", but that's more confusing than enlightening. The "social network" aspect of these products is just a mechanism, not the purpose, and their purposes are often more different than similar. It's like saying that something is a "Javascript". Many websites use Javascript, but hopefully the Javascript is only there in order to accomplish some other purpose. LinkedIn and Twitter, for example, both use Javascript and social networking mechanisms, but clearly they are very different products and have very different uses. Facebook likes to call itself a "social utility", but to me that's just as meaningless.

That said, there is something "social networky" that unites these otherwise-dissimilar "social networking" sites. The two features that seem to define the social network aspect of a product are:
  1. Some kind of page or profile for each user. The contents of this page vary wildly, but it always includes a name and often a picture.

  2. "Friend" links among the profile pages, which may or may not be bi-directional. These "friends" only sometimes correspond to real-life friends.
Those two features alone are very simple but also very useless. Real products need more functionality in order to somehow deliver value to their users. It is this other functionality that defines the real purpose of a product, not the "social network", which exists only to enable or enhance the core purpose.

So what ARE the purposes of these many "social networking" products? (in random order)
  1. Enable people to send messages to their friends. This functionality basically defines email, which can be considered one of the earliest "social networks", though most email systems lack browsable profiles. Annoyingly, many other social networking products reimplement this function, with mixed results.

  2. Enable people to send messages to non-friends. There are two aspects to this feature: discovery (finding the people) and control (preventing unwanted messages). Email is weak on both aspects, and for many people, this is one of the most useful features of products such as Facebook and LinkedIn (I can easily find and contact people that I don't know).

  3. "Live" address/phone book. Sites like Facebook have fields for phone, email, etc, and since everyone maintains their own page, the information is generally up-to-date (vs the bad-old-world of everyone having to broadcast "please update your address books" every time they move).

  4. Less private communication. Email and IM are often too private. Life would be much less interesting if all of our conversations took place one-on-one in closed rooms. Part of what makes parties, offices, and other social environments interesting is that we can observe other people interacting, overhear conversations, and often join-in. Features such as the "wall" create a kind of public or semi-public email, allowing our friends to overhear conversations. Twitter is often used as a public IM/chat.

  5. Passive communication about my life. I don't want to interrupt or spam my friends every time I have some little bit of news, take some new pictures, or get a random thought, but I have no problem blogging or Twittering those things, or uploading to photo sharing sites (which all have social features now). Similarly, I enjoy seeing this information from my friends (but I wouldn't want them calling me on the phone to tell me about their lunch every day).

  6. Passive sharing of non-personal content. I'll occasionally see an interesting or amusing web page and want to share it with friends. I used to put these things into my IM status, but now I add them to my FriendFeed. Email, Twitter, Facebook, and Digg/Reddit are also sometimes used for this purpose (though obviously Digg is less "friend" oriented).

  7. Self expression. This is most prominent on MySpace, where user profiles are highly customizable and can have embedded music (which starts playing as soon as I visit the page). This behavior is very similar to decorating your house or bedroom in "real life" -- there seems to be some human instinct to define our identity through decorations, fashion, music, art, etc. Self expression is an element of all products which have browsable profiles, but on most sites identity is expressed more in terms of content (favorite movies on Facebook, job history on LinkedIn, tweets on Twitter, etc).

  8. Background information. If I meet someone new (or am about to meet them), I sometimes checkout their Facebook or LinkedIn pages to learn more about their background, see if we have common friends, etc. Obviously this also ties in with self-expression and identity in more social settings -- people "friend" each other after meeting and their MySpace page (or whatever) becomes part of that "first" impression.

  9. Dating. One of the earliest and still most popular uses of sites like MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, etc. It's less "explicit" than on dating sites, but by putting themselves online, people can see and be seen, plus get background info, see who their common friends are, etc. The Facebook newsfeed even tells us when friends break-up (or start dating).

  10. Jobs. Job hunting and hiring are essentially the "professional" analog of dating and seem to work in somewhat similar ways.

  11. Finding old friends. By enabling friend-of-friend and school class browsing, it's much easier to locate old friends, and therefore people do more of it. This also lets people track down old friends without appearing crazy (they can "bump" into them on, or whatever -- no private detective needed).

  12. Keeping in touch with "unclose" friends (related to "passive communication about my life"). It's fun to know what's going on with people who we've known in the past, even if we aren't close friends. Profile browsing and newsfeeds make this easier. This can also make unclose friends into closer friends, as we may coincidentally be in the same city at the same time, be attending the same events, or just start chatting.

  13. "Micro-socializing" (I need a better term here). A lot of wall posts, poking, winking, commenting, Twittering, etc can go into the category. The comments on FriendFeed generally fall into this category as well -- someone shares a link or posts some photos, then they and their friends will end up chatting about it. This is somewhat analogous to the traditional "water-cooler" conversation.

  14. Word-of-mouth recommendations. Shared links, news, Yelp reviews, some Twitters, and the like provide us with information about what our friends are doing. Word-of-mouth can be very powerful since we typically trust our friends much more than random people. The new Facebook "Beacon" advertising system is trying to use this effect to sell things.

  15. General amusement for bored people. Clicking around on friends and friends-of-friends and even random people's pages can be kind of interesting. As sites provide more content (such as the links and videos on FriendFeed) or games (many popular Facebook apps are games) there will be even more of this.

  16. Publishing. This especially applies to blogs, twitter, flickr, and the like, but being able to subscribe to the content produced by our favorite authors and artists as well as friends and family is very powerful for both the producer and the consumer.

  17. Group sharing and socializing. This was traditionally done via mailing lists and that's the model behind Google/Yahoo Groups, but of course Facebook, Orkut and the like have have some basic group functionality too, and Ning seems to specialize in it by enabling each group to create their own social network.

This list is certainly not complete, but I'm way over my 30 minute limit... I look forward to seeing your suggested additions. I'll probably post an improved list at some point.

I also hope to explain how my company, FriendFeed, fits into all of this. It definitely has social aspects (the word "friend" is right in the name!), but it certainly isn't a social network in the style of MySpace or Facebook.

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am going to take a blog break for the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Aunt Nancy's Famously Delicious Rolls:

1 pkg. active dry yeast

¼ c. warm water

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 C. milk, scalded

¼ C. Sugar

¼ C. shortening

1 tsp. salt

3 ½ C. Sifted all-purpose flour

1 egg


Soften yeast in warm water. Combine milk, sugar, shortening and salt; cool to lukewarm. Add 1 1/2C. of flour; Beat well. Beat in yeast and egg. Gradually add remaining flour to form soft dough, beating well. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease the surface. Cover and let rise till double. Punch down and shape as desired, placing on greased cookie sheet. Cover and let raise till double. Bake in hot overn (400) for 12-15 minutes, or till golden brown. Makes 2-3 dz. rolls.

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

NY {good} Times

Long time best friend, Megan, and I started a rather silly blog about our weekly walking tours in NYC. The plan is to see 50 neighborhoods in 50 weeks. Read all about our shenanigans and see lots of hammed-up photos here: It is a work in progress, but we have two neighborhoods up so far.

Sunday, 18 November 2007

glittery Christmas crafts

I've been a little glitter crazed lately, preparing for the holidays. First, I glittered some 3-d cardboard star ornaments from the craft store (I got mine at Lee's).

I also glittered a few styrofoam cones for a Christmas centerpiece. I, of course, used my favorite Martha glitters - they are the best.

I've been working on my ornament swap as well, but I think I'll keep those a secret until I mail them out.

This is what I look like when I'm in the crafting zone - iPod blasting, giddy expression ... you get the picture.

Outlook cookies

I made these for the IT dept. at work (we all got switched over to Outlook last week).

It was funnier in my head. I guess its the taste that counts.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

We all have tunnel vision

Supposedly people can hold about seven "items" in their mind at any one time. I was never sure what that meant -- what qualifies as an "item"? I recently realized that it means our brains have roughly seven "registers", similar to the registers on a microprocessor. These registers don't store much information, they really just hold pointers to something in longer term memory.

Here's the important realization: There's a million important things going on in the world and in our lives, but we're really only aware of seven of them. This means that we all have a very narrow and limited understanding of the world and our own lives. The seven things on our mind all seem very important, while everything else is just kind of forgotten.

We must be very careful about what gets loaded into those seven registers. I like to read reddit occasionally, but I've found that it can be a little dangerous. Some days it is filled with bad news -- my seven registers get filled with scary and depressing things, and it feels like the world is crumbling.

On the other hand, I can go for a walk outside and after a little while I begin to notice how nice the trees are, the various smells of nature, the construction progress on the house down the street, and other pleasant (for me) things, and the world seems like a really nice place.

This seven register limitation also makes people very subject to manipulation. If you can control what is getting loaded into their attention, you can largely control what they think and how they feel. For example, if people keep talking about Iran and how scary they are and debating what to do about them, then pretty soon Iran will seem like the biggest, scariest problem in the world, and no solution will seem too extreme. The truth is that there are probably 100 more important problems, but it won't seem that way because all seven registers are loaded with the same topic. The subject of the debate is more important than the content.

At any one time, a million things are going wrong, the world is falling apart. At any one time, a million things are going right, the world just keeps getting better. Those are both true statements, but one will feel much more true depending one which seven things are loaded into your attention now.

The same thing can happen inside of a company. We can easily become obsessed with one issue or threat, and it ends up taking all of our attention and energy even though it's not the most important problem. And because it seems like the only problem, our response is often completely irrational. I have some amusing Google anecdotes, but I'm almost out of time for this post, so they will have to wait...

How do we deal with this? I'm not certain, but the first step is to simply be aware of it. Take a break. Go for a walk. Try to clear out your attention. Maintain balance. Keep four good things in mind at all times (make a list). We shouldn't ignore the bad things, but we mustn't allow them to overwhelm us, because that's what will happen if the bad completely pushes out the good.

27 minutes.

Update: To be clear, the actual value "seven" is not important -- it's just an idea that many people are familiar with. The point is that our attention has a very limited capacity, and therefore we are always missing out on the bigger picture.

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Back to blogging again, I hope

I have about a 1000 posts queued up in my brain, but these things take forever to write, and now that I'm working again, I don't have forever to waste. So, in the spirit of "Good enough" is the enemy of "At all", I'm going to start blogging again, but with an absolute limit of 30 minutes per post. If after 30 minutes I'm not happy with what I've written, I'll delete the post and move on for the day. If anything seems less thought-out or more confusing and inflammatory, this is why (and I didn't mean whatever you thought I meant, I meant something intelligent and non-insulting).

Meanwhile, check out My FriendFeed.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Quick Hostess Apron

After work tonight I had the opportunity to go to a sewing class and it was just delightful! All of the supplies were provided and we had a great teacher. The project of the evening was a hostess apron. It was a simple project that only took about an hour and a half and produces totally cute results. I think it would make a really cute Christmas gift paired with a cookbook or supplies.

Here is a group shot of the class:

Aren't we cute?

When I got home I had to model it again for Jared:

It was SO easy!


22 inches of fabric
2 yards of coordinating grosgrain ribbon
a 5x5 inch square of coordinating solid fabric for a pocket (optional)
a sewing machine, thread and scissors


1. Fold the bottom of the fabric ¾ in. and press. Repeat (to hide the raw edge of the fabric

2. Top-stitch the bottom hem

3. Repeat steps one and two for the side hems

4. Using a ruffle foot on your sewing machine, gather the top of the fabric (we had it on the 1-setting). Our teacher said you can also achieve the same effect by basting the top edge and pulling on the back thread to gather the fabric (I am going to have to try this out, since I don’t have a ruffle foot for my machine).

5. Find the center of your 2-yard length of grosgrain ribbon. Fold in half horizontally and press (about ten inches on either side of the center)

6. Pin the folded part of the ribbon to the gathered side of the fabric and topstitch across

7. Add a pocket, if desired

8. Enjoy your sassy new hostess apron

It was also a happy day because I came home to a new box of cookie cutters from Off the Beaten Path. I really love their cookie cutters - they are a real bargain and you can find every shape imaginable. I got a set of snowflake cutters, a gingerbread boy and girl, a winter hat and mitten, a Christmas tree, ornament, candy cane and a snowman. Whew - I can't wait to make some cute holiday sugar cookies!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Ornament Swap

I’ve been in a craft funk … hence the lack of posts. Sometimes (while it is a rare occasion), I am just not in the mood! Well, I came across a swap today that totally pulled me out of it: The 2nd Annual Holiday Ornament Swap hosted by freshly blended and cake & pie!

I am so very excited about this – l love making ornaments and I love swaps. For this one, you will receive an email with a list of 8-10 people who you then send a homemade ornament to. Then, you get 8-10 homemade ornaments in return! Very exciting. I really love this idea, and the motivating deadline it gives me to make a fabulous craft.

If you want to join in on the fun, head over to freshly blended for the sign-up info. The sign-up deadline is tomorrow, November 9!

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Happy Halloween!

I'm not in a writing mood tonight, so the text on this post is going to be sparse. I had the pleasure of helping with Halloween party decorations on Saturday. ALL of the ideas are from Martha:

Flyaway Favors (filled with candy)

glittered pumpkins

spooky silhouettes

glittery hanging spiders

a pumpkin shaped cheeseball
(all the great buffet decorations were by Breanna and Sheena)

Witch's Curtain

more silhouettes
(and more table decor by Sheena and Breanna)

After the party, I moved the decor to my apartment, which was fun because I never really decorate for Halloween:

I was "Halloween Pam" from The Office.

Happy Halloween!


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